Friday, August 16, 2013

Alaska part two!

Here are some pictures from the second half of our trip! The first group of pictures are from our excursion in Skagway, Alaska. The whole family rode in buses through Skagway and into the Yukon territory with a few stops along the way. Our bus driver was hilarious! She was a native Alaskan full of fun stories and adventures she had experienced. The scenery was gorgeous - some of the greatest views I have seen in my life. And according to our bus driver/guide, it is really rare to have sunny days like this. But we heard that so much on this trip that it was hard to believe that sunny days were rare - we only had one day that was overcast!

On our way to the Alaska/Canada border

The Alaska/Canada border! (Well, they don't technically share a border since the pass gets so snowy in the winter. We drove through a few miles of no-man's land before we actually passed into Canada.

Lake Tutshi - the water was SO still and there was a perfect mirror image in the reflection. It was amazing to see - and no picture can do it justice.

Emerald Lake. It is a beautiful emerald green and because of the combination of minerals in the water there aren't any plants or animals living in the lake.

We went to Carcross (or Caribou Crossing) in the Yukon Territory of Canada and we went to a place where they train sled dogs for the Iditarod race. These dogs were incredible! They would get so excited when a sled was about to go out and then calm right down as soon as the sled left. We also got to pet some of the younger puppies. Very fun!

There were a lot of cool buildings in the tiny town of Skagway. This building's entire facade was made from sticks.

Back on the ship! Just a few things we got to see/do on our dear old ship Star Princess:

Ice Sculptures! They carved these from a solid block in about fifteen minutes. It was cool to watch.

Instead of going to the Tracy Arm Fjord (there was too much ship traffic) our captain took us past this glacier - the Daws Glacier. It was a miracle that we were there when we were. The glacier had some huge caving (pieces falling off into the water) as well as shooters (huge pieces of ice breaking off from the bottom and floating to the surface). The naturalist on board said he had never seen anything like it. Chandler and I missed the main event but it woke us up from our nap. We looked out the window and saw all of the chunks of ice in the water. It was a sight to see!
More of the Daws Glacier
We saw these guys perform a couple of times. They did amazing stunts that required a lot of strength!

Formal Night! It was fun to dress up and have a fancy dinner (even though the fancy dinner part was an every-day occurrence). :)

In front of the staircase in the Piazza

Family meeting - we got to listen to the wise words of Grammy and Grandad and learn from their experiences.

Just exploring the ship!
At the Lumberjack show
The next pictures are from our time in Ketchikan, Alaska! Chandler and I went to the Lumberjack Show.Then we explored the city!

We took a walk down the boardwalk in Ketchikan. It is such a unique place.

It wouldn't be Alaska without lots of bald eagles! It was amazing to see one up close. They are big birds!

A cute old lady saw me taking a picture of Chandler and offered to take one of both of us.
Our last port was in Victoria, Canada - a beautiful island. If we didn't have to walk so much I would have loved to see more of it. And again, the weather was perfect!

My first time leaving the USA! (Well, I guess we could count going into the Yukon my first time). :)

Walking through Victoria, we saw a bunch of sweet classic cars. I took a picture of this one for my dad. :)

Lots of pretty buildings in Victoria
Cool government building

We walked through some neighborhoods on our way back to the ship and saw lots of interesting homes.

What an experience to remember! We are so grateful we got to go.

1 comment:

  1. I am seriously jealous! I have always wanted to go to Alaska. I LOVE all your pictures! You guys look great! Can't wait to meet that new baby this Christmas!!!!!!!
