Friday, January 10, 2014

Christmas holiday

Chandler, Boston, and I had a great Christmas break from work and school. We spent almost 2 weeks in San Diego at my parent's house. My brother, his wife, and their two girls were also there. My younger sister was there too. It was so great to get away from the cold and the routine to spend time with family and do a ton of fun things. I especially loved seeing Boston grow so much on one trip. He started to smile and really interact with us. He also grew out of a few of his outfits. He was pretty great on the drive their and the drive home. Chandler and I couldn't be more grateful for the great time we had.

Here are some of the things we did (not necessarily in order): 
Talked with my sister in her mission over Skype. Boston got blessed I my parents' ward. Visited the Takanos before Christmas. Saw the lights in downtown Riverside in the dune buggy. Hot tubbing. Put the tree up. Read 'the littlest angel'. Went to the beach. Watched my brother use his skills from med school. Visited with family at Boston's blessing. Went on a walk. Slept in. Ate a bunch of amazing food (thanks mom and dad!). Went out to eat at Sorrentos. Did a session with Chandler, Douglas, and Kelly at the San Diego Temple. Opened a ton of presents - and felt really blessed because that was unexpected. Laughed a lot. Napped with Boston. Watched a couple of movies. Got massages - it was Chandler's first experience. Boston got spoiled by grandma and grandpa :). I met Chandler's brother Landon for the first time. Visited Chandler's Grammy and Granddad in Irvine and went to their New Year's Eve party. Saw a magician do mind-blowing tricks. Ate at the clubhouse. Played with our nieces. The list could go on forever. It was awesome! ...

It truly was a wonderful vacation and we feel so blessed that we were able to spend it with family.

Here are some pictures, and there are more to come:

Snuggles with daddy!

         The lights at Mission Inn in Riverside

 Christmas morning!

At the beach - Boston's first time!

New Years Eve party in Irvine

Me and the magician

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