Saturday, September 21, 2013

33 and a half weeks!

This past Tuesday we hit 33 weeks! Only 6 1/2 weeks before we get to meet our baby boy. We are so excited! To celebrate getting bigger and stronger, our boy has been keeping me up at night most nights with his stretching and kicking - making me tired a lot. He seems to love to party! But I love his strong kicks - it makes me feel like I am getting to know some of his personality. He loves to kick and stretch and as soon as daddy puts his hands on my belly, our boy likes to tease him and stop kicking most of the time. The doctor says he is in the perfect position with his head down already - that so far a good delivery is in the cards. It is really comforting to know that things are going well - and it's fun to know where his head, bum, and feet are when he moves around :). Chandler and I are getting anxious to meet our boy, but we realize this time will probably go by quickly. I hope so. Things are getting pretty awkward and uncomfortable.

In the meantime there is school to go to, and recruiting events, and work and baby showers. We really are so blessed to be so busy with the things we want to do. I LOVE teaching my young dancers, and working as a supervisor in the Survey Research Center at UVU has taught me a lot of good things. Chandler is enjoying his school work, and we keep re-realizing in amazement that he is a grad student - he will be done with his Bachelors and Masters degree in 2 school years! I am glad Chandler has found something that he really enjoys studying. He likes so many aspects of studying Information Systems that it is becoming hard to narrow down career options - a good problem to have I think. I am sure we will be able to narrow it down with time. But until then it is fun looking at all of our options.

We got released from our calling in the nursery at church. It has been a challenge, but a good experience to be in there. I have really learned to love those kids - when before I had a hard time being around little kids at all. I have learned a bit more patience too. It has been a blessing in disguise. But, as soon as you get the hang of a calling you get released right? Well, we are getting released because me and my big belly are having a hard time keeping up with the energetic kids in nursery :). It will be nice to get to know more people by name in different settings in the ward. Right now we know most people as "so-and-so's mom or dad".  So we have a new adventure ahead of us.

We feel really blessed to find ourselves in the position we are. Life doesn't get much better than this!

33 1/2 weeks