Wednesday, February 5, 2014

3 months

Little Boss is 3 months old today! It has been quite the ride to have him in our lives and we love him so much. It seems like every day Chandler and I find ourselves in awe at how cute he is! It's funny, but when you have your own kid it seems like everything they do is cute. We just can't believe how fast he is growing!

Lately our little man has started laughing! We still can't pinpoint when he is going to laugh - one time he was just staring off into space and started laughing hysterically - but it is one of the best sounds I have ever heard. I am excited to hear it more and more.

Boston is becoming less and less afraid of bath time. He is starting to even smile a little and discover the water during his baths. 

We have had our share of sickness and colds with this guy, but he is always smiley (unless he is beyond tired - but don't we all get cranky when we are tired?) 

He is getting better at sleeping in his bed! We can count on a pretty good stretch for the first half of the night (4 hours good). Hopefully it will get better?... Just like his parents he doesn't want to miss the party! And he has started sleepng on his side looking at his hands and sometimes hums to calm himself to sleep. What I said earlier still holds true - it is so adorable.

He has discovered his hands! He will look at them before he shoves the whole fist in his mouth and he has been holding on to things like a champ. He had a few days where he was sucking on histhumb pretty well, but that didn't last long - he likes his whole hand!

SO close to rolling over! It will be so fun when he does. We keep cheering him on!

He loves to hang out In the kitchen with mommy! I just put him in his chair while I make dinner or do the dishes and he just watches and learns. :)

Boston loves to be sung to. He will just look up and stare with wide eyes and a smile when I sing to him.

He hasn't been able to wear any of his shoes because his feet are so big! 

I think one of the things we love the most lately is how Boston will 'talk' to us. He is jabbering all the time.

We love this little guy so much! Happy 3 months!

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha...I think the chubby feet thing is a Mulliner trait. I have never been able to squeeze my girls' thick little feet into little baby shoes! (p.s Things may be looking good for us to do 3rd and 4th year rotations in Utah valley!)
