Monday, November 12, 2012

seasons change

The seasons are changing drastically! (well, what weather change isn't drastic in Utah?) This last weekend we got a bunch of snow piled on us in the valley, and I have to say it is just beautiful! In the past I have felt bitter towards snow (bitter cold?) but this season I am excited because it is the first holiday season I get to spend entirely with my best friend! I decided that I can choose to hate the snow, or I can simply enjoy it and the change that comes with it. Chandler and I have been getting excited for a break from school and work to spend time with family. I know it's not quite the holidays yet, but we are gearing up and already having numerous evenings with cinnamon-y hot chocolate and mini marshmallows. We even watched "Elf" the other night (one of Chandler's favorites). We also bought the DVD of "It's a Wonderful Life" the other day online (it is probably one of my favorite movies of all time) to watch when it is close to Christmas. I love the beauty of the snow and the feeling of cuddling up in sweats and making our little home smell like the latest new recipe I am trying. Good times.

Yesterday we had a fun adventure. Chandler is the 2nd counselor in our church ward's elders quorum (a priesthood office in our church) and we had a dinner last night with all of the presidency and their families. It was fun to be with some other families! We do feel a little bit overwhelmed and amazed to be part of the presidency as such young newlyweds in a ward full of established and older families. There are a lot of young couples, but most of the members have been in the neighborhood for years and years to raise their families. This humbles a us a lot, Chandler especially. Anyway, this new adventure and stage of life is exciting. We have joined the ranks beyond single life (and I am sure we will feel more that way when we have children of our own) and I think it is just now hitting us that this isn't just a phase. It is a start of an entirely new season of life - one full of incredible joy so far. It is exciting and new for us inexperienced young-ins.

I would also like to make a shout-out to the veterans in our country in honor Veterans Day yesterday. Thanks to all those who serve our country, and especially to my brother-in-law Eric who has served overseas and my brother Douglas who has recently been accepted into the Air Force as a med. student. We love you and thank you!

1 comment:

  1. Woots! Thanks and see you soon if you're around for Christmas.
