Monday, November 26, 2012

Thanksgiving, birthdays, new adventures!

I am grateful for Thanksgiving! This past week was so great because I got a break from work, Chandler got a break from school, and we got to spend it together in California with my family! We went to the beach a couple of times, went out to eat, watched a movie, caught up with family, ate, drove (a LOT), went to the movies with Chandler's grandparents and saw "Life of Pi" (great movie!), had an amazing Thanksgiving feast, went window shopping, played cards, met the new dog Lucas, stayed up late talking, took family photos, ate, played with my niece Halle, went hot tubbing, turned the water heater off and on a bunch of times (gotta love plumbing leaks!), opened gifts (a wonderful birthday and early Christmas!), ate, and much more I am sure. It was so fun to switch up the routine and to be in the good weather with family! They are the best! I am grateful that all of these memories are shared with Chandler now. :) Pictures forthcoming.

It was my birthday! I am now 23 - same age as Chandler for a week and a half! Not old, I know, but I am starting to feel like I am gaining some sort of life experience. I don't feel like a know a ton yet, but I feel like I have experienced a lot of wonderful things and have started to really enjoy this new stage of life. My family was so thoughtful of me with some gifts and cake, especially Chandler who wanted to be the first to wish me a happy birthday at midnight and also surprised me with a few gifts (that he wanted to have sent to CA but they didn't make it in time so he just told me what they are). Chandler's family also wished me a happy birthday and sent us something for our birthdays. That is so sweet of them. Also, the first thing my cute students asked me today was how my birthday was - they are the best! I am grateful to live my life.

My newest adventure: a new job opportunity! I interviewed to be the supervisor/assistant in the call center at UVU where I work and I got offered the position while driving down to California. I am really excited and nervous, but I think it will be a great opportunity. It is a great blessing to have so much work to do. Good times here with the Egberts!

Also, this week is Intex week for Chandler. Don't ask me what that means, I am not really sure. I just know it is a HUGE group project that will require a lot of work and time for him to complete. It is a fear for all who are in his major. This is a week I am especially grateful to have more to do to fill some time when Chandler won't be home. We welcome any happy thoughts sent this way for this week! (and you can come visit me too, since I will be home alone a lot). Grateful that Chandler is a hard worker and that he is doing his best to learn and do hard things.

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